Birzeit University - Faculty of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Transportation Engineering - ENCE 431

Instructor: Dr. Faisal Awadallah Spring Semester 2024
Course Outline

Credit hour: 3 credits
Prerequisites: ENCE337 (Surveying for Civil Engineering)
Type: Core/Option Core

Course aims

The aim of this course is to provide insight on the importance and needs of transportation to society. Provide overview of various transportation modes and their characteristics. Develop ability to design the main elements for roads, railroads, airports and seaports. In addition to providing introductions to transportation planning and traffic engineering.

Teaching and learning strategy

Direct instruction - classroom lectures (including theory and practical examples), slides, and movies (All online via Zoom)

Textbook: Transportation Engineering Planning and Design, 4th edition. Ashford and Wright. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


1. Introduction to Transportation Engineering and planning, Morlok, McGraw-Hill.
2. Introduction to Transportation Engineering, E.C. Carter & Homburger, Prentice-Hall.
3. Planning and Design of Airports, Horonjeff, McGraw-Hill.
4. Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Prentice-Hall.


• Definition and importance (2-3 classes)
• Transportation modes (1-1.5)
• Introduction to transportation planning (1)
• Introduction to traffic engineering (1)
• Introduction to urban public transport (0.5-1)
• Land transportation facilities
 Highways and Railroads: chapters 12, 13 &15 (10-12)
• Air Transportation: chapters 16, 17 & 18 (7-8)
• Water Transportation: chapters 19, 20 & 21 (5-6)

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’s)

Students will be able to:
• Outline the importance and uses of transportation for societies
• Outline the various modes of transportation, their background, development and characteristics
• State the basic concepts of transportation planning including the transportation planning process
• State the basic concepts of traffic engineering
• Geometrically design highway and railroad elements, particularly the horizontal and vertical profiles and cross section elements
• Understand the criteria effecting airport location
• Deign of airport runways in terms of direction, length, alignment, and cross section
• Understand the elements of design requirements for airport terminals and terminal schemes
• Understand the coastal structure environment, particularly the wave forces and height of water at various tidal and wave formation conditions
• Understand the basic design elements of coastal structures
• Understand the basic features and requirements for seaport facilities

Assessment scheme

Quizzes and oral assessments 60%
Final exam 40%