Design Studio III
Semester: Second Semester
Instructor: Dr. Alessandra Gola
Mobile: +970 593 600166 (calls & SMS) / +32 485 595737 (calls, SMS, WhatsApp)
Method and Frequency:
- Remote studio (11 weeks)
- Saturday: 12-13.55, Monday 11.30-13.25, - Wednesday 11.50-13.45
Communication channels:
- Official announcements board:
- WhatsApp Course’s group:
- Course contents are recorded and available online for rewatch in the course channel on YouTube:
- Exchange between students and the instructor of project’s drafts for remote feedback:

Course Description:
This course focuses on the design of buildings and complexes that integrate multiple services essential to the survival, continuation, and re-prosperity of urban life in Gaza. Buildings explored by this course include mosques and integrated community centres that combine education, health, and community support facilities with essential supplies like rainwater collection and the production and storage of electricity from renewable resources.
The main design mission for this course will be the design of a “survival node” able to offer essential facilities at the neighbourhood scale while the battle in Gaza is still ongoing, and that can be further developed into a stable centre after the war ends. Essential functions will include the production of electricity from renewable resources, collection of rainwater, a multi-purpose space adaptable to education and community activities, a space suitable for basic health services (first aid, vaccinations, supply of basic medications, pre-maternal and neonatal health checks, basic orthopaedic care).

Course Objectives:
The course mainly aims to develop students' skills in designing buildings and facilities of various sizes and purposes.
The studio will focus on various community-oriented services and how they can be combined into one multi-purpose complex.
During the course, students will familiarize in particular with the following contents:
• REQUIREMENTS FOR TYPOLOGIES WITH SOCIAL FUNCTIONS: Introducing students to the types of cultural buildings and what is related to each of them, such as the nature and functions of the spaces that make up each of them, the functional relationships between them, and the special requirements such as safety, security, the convenience to people with disabilities, and so on.
• MODULAR DESIGN: use and adapt prefabricated units to achieve a high-quality and fully functional environment.
• DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABILITY & RESILIENCE: integration of environmentally sustainable techniques for the thermal performance of the building and its outdoor spaces through biophilic design techniques, the production of energy and hot water, and the collection and recycling of rainwaters and white waters.
• INCREMENTALITY: embedding different stages of development of the architectural project in response to the war, starting from the implementation of an initial, basic complex based on mobile/modular units providing essential services, and developing into a stable and more articulated compound with additional functions and parts.

Course Structure:
The course is taught completely online. The studio comprehends a design module and a series of lectures.
The teaching method is based on milestones and students’ autonomous organisation through self-study.
The instructor and her assistants will tutor students throughout the course. Feedback and meetings will be tailored according to the student’s specific conditions (accessibility to electricity and internet, the student’s location, available tools to the student for designing the project, etc.).
All course contents will be shared online through recordings. Students can access content and feedback anytime.
The project tutoring will rely on the students' online exchange of sketches and working materials. Feedback will be provided online through written notes added to the students' drawings (via Google Drive:
Students who can access the internet are welcome to join studio sessions on Zoom.
Zoom sessions are organised for feedback on:
• Saturday: 12-13.55,
• Monday 11.30-13.25,
• Wednesday 11.50-13.45.

The studio entails a sketch problem and a main project.

• The sketch problem is individual. Students will engage with the propose a design concept for the reconstruction of Al-Hasseina Mosque in Gaza City.
The sketch problem materials are available at this link:

• The main project regards the design of an integrated neighbourhood facility hub for the supply of essential community services. The design should propose a “survival node” able to offer essential facilities at the neighbourhood scale while the battle in Gaza is still ongoing, and that can be further developed into a stable centre after the war ends.
Essential functions will include the production of electricity from renewable resources, collection of rainwater, a multi-purpose space adaptable to education and community activities, a space suitable for basic health services (first aid, vaccinations, supply of basic medications, pre-maternal and neonatal health checks, basic orthopaedic care).
Students can work on the main project individually or in groups.
The instructor will adjust deliverables according to the number of people working on the project.
Students will choose the site of their project.

W Date Task Milestone Final submission
1-2 12 May – 25 May Sketch problem: design ideas for rebuilding Al-Hasseina Mosque, Gaza City Port area Concept idea, massing and sketches/diagrams showing the design idea, circulation and integration in the project site 25.05.2024
2-4 25 May- 5 June Main Project: integrated neighbourhood facility hub Project site analysis 05.06.2024
4-6 5 June – 22 June Concept. Functions, zoning, and circulation diagrams for the emergency phase and for the stabilised phase 22.06.2024
6-8 22 June – 6 July Functioning: Massing, site plan for initial and stabilised phase,1 view/sketch for the initial and stabilised phase, diagrams 06.07.2024
9-11 6 July – 20 July Design: Floor plans for the initial and stabilised phase, 1 main elevation and 2 main sections, 1 building detail (to be agreed with the instructor) 20.07.2024
Work Evaluation:

- Sketch problem: design ideas for rebuilding Al-Hasseina Mosque, Gaza City Port area 15%
- Main project: design of an integrated centre for neighbourhood’s essential community facilities
- Site analysis 10%
- Concept 20%
- Functioning 25%
- Design 30%