The official description of COMP3342 can be found on the following link, at Birzeit University website:

However, to simplify, please find below a general description of the course, repeated from the welcome message, for your convenience.


In this course, we will study the use of business process modelling languages, with a focus on BPMN. We will study the challenges and intricacies of the health domain and how to model processes in the health domain across health organisations.

Before you confirm your registration in this course, please do make sure that this course falls and fits with your academic plan, so its credit can count towards your academic degree.

I fully understand the exceptional circumstances of Gaza students and I have, personally, great respect for everyone of you for endeavouring to study under such extreme conditions. However, it is important to understand that we need hold high integrity in applying academic values and academic measures. Therefore, I will hold and apply academic measures equally on all assessments, in this course.